[kj] Credit Cards

PRAEst76 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 19 Sep 2003 10:30:26 +0100

Tanya sed...

> Ah, well you see I USED to use them. Many years ago I decided to go to 
> college and applied for several cards at once. I was approved without 
> even having a JOB.*tsk,tsk*...needless to say, I am STILL paying them 
> off and will not touch another for some time...A great lesson has been 
> learned.

Yes, they get the students early when they are young and naive. Credit
is just a modern form of slavery. I know people that will probably
NEVER pay off their student debts and at least one who got driven to
suicide over them...

But students are big business, so it's justified.
