[kj] RE: DARKNESS/Rapture/interpol/F-Space

Djehuti111 gathering@misera.net
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 09:23:31 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings L.G.,

--- lisa.gannon@bt.com wrote:
> Amy Said
> > > And if I do say so myself, they have a really
> > > cute drummer... I mean, they are really good. ;)

 Actually, I said this, not Amy.
And it was shameless self promotion on my part.
 I was trying to convince myself more than anything
else. ;)
> Well I think the Jokes keyboard player is rather
> cute myself,   blew him a
> kiss at Camden.
> Whereas I regard Jaz more of a deity.

 How do you compete with that?


> Loose Gannon 

"the unfragmentary non-atomic fact of my universality"

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