[kj] gatherering nuts!!!

pr 001 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 30 May 2003 08:39:45 -0400

>From: Rob Moss <joker@Z6.com>
>Mike suggested that I get the new album sleeve tattooed on my arse. I have 
>been seriously considering that but perhaps Mike could design me a tattoo 
>which I would proudly have done and then send in.
>As for the full frontal. I am afraid that I could only disappoint.
>Though I may be tempted to send through a picture of my bollocks later 
>unless Gatherers can give me good enough reasons why not.
>You have until 3pm UK time before "the act is done".

c'mon people he's serious! he's got a gun and he's not afraid to use it.

reasons not to:

- the list can only handle files of 50k or less.
- we've already seen the new album cover once we don't need to again
- if we really wanted to see stuff like that we'd go to rotten.com
- we won't be able to call you "baldy" anymore
- at 3pm uk time someone somewhere in the world will be having their 
breakfast ("somewhere the sun shines in the east")
- it'll give a whole new meaning to the word "moss"
- arrrghhh i can't think of any more please someone help!

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