[kj] Jaz Coleman Live With Godflesh - Watch it here (OT)

pr 001 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 30 May 2003 08:19:10 -0400

>From: Rob Moss <joker@Z6.com>
>I haven't seen the clip yet so I don't know if this comes out.
>However, I recall that Jaz was wearing a black Nike branded sweatshirt. 
>Now, knowing that Jaz is anti-corporate this would look rather contra to 
>all that has been spouted.
>Therefore our Jeremy turned it back to front so that the logo could not be 
>seen. That was fine 'til the silly cunt got lost in the moment and turned 
>round to show the world his new corporate sponser!

yeah and i saw him at McDONALDS once. he was getting a happy meal. i shouted 
"Oi! Coleman - you're just cattle for slaughter!" but did he take any 
notice? did he bollocks. and i know for a fact he's one of the executive 
directors of GLAXO, and i do believe he put a bid in to run the National 
Lottery but it got turned down because none of the proceeds went to charity, 
all just to him.

>And I also remember JP's perverts coat - wipe clean wasn't it JP?

no comment.

>(as well as chasing Andy M down the road with my bollocks out. Ahem)

well we've all done then after a couple of beers, haven't we?

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