[kj] interview

Jester gathering@misera.net
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:43:52 -0500

On 06/26/2003 4:17 AM, "pr 001" <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> From: "fluw" <fluwdot@earthlink.net>
>> oh i wouldn't say it is offensive to suggest,
> i do. and there are people on this list who lost close relatives on 9-11 i
> wonder how they feel about it.

Personally speaking, the term "staged" in this case, is one deserving of an
ass kicking. "Allowed" or something to that effect would seem to be more
accurate. I mean, in theory, the powers that be, and have been (yes, I am
talking both Bush and Clinton regimes...they both knew of activity and did
NOTHING), have known this was about to happen, yet nothing was done. The
economy was going to shit already at that point, the surplus was spent, so
to deflect, it is possible that Bush may have allowed for some things to
"slide by". Only time will tell on that one, and prolly will never know the
truth...I mean, do we ever? Who really shot Kennedy? Cant solve a simple
murder...how can this be solved? There will never be a cure for cancer
because there is too much money to be made treating it, and we will never
catch Osama because there is too much control loss at steak as well as money
for, really, fictitious government agencies. It is all about money and

>also, he wasn't suggesting it, he was stating
> it as fact. (well, i haven't heard the interview actually, but that's the
> impression i got from the quote.)
>> history tells us the likelihood that it WASN'T staged is rare.
> how does history tell us this? you're going to have to elaborate on this
> claim, todd. and don't just say JFK.
>> but i think the term he used, 'staged', is what is incorrect...more like
>> the hijackers where accommodated, their plans harbored, and covertly
>> accompliced.
> yes, but he DID use the term "staged" and so did you. he is claiming that
> the powers that be convinced a bunch of arab zealots to give up their own
> lives so that the USA may invade two arab nations.

Is Jaz no longer intelligent enough to say what he actually means? Far be it
from us to put words in his mouth....he is, after all, the purported genius.
I think if the man said "staged" then that is exactly the direction he meant
to go in.
> like i said, it would be reasonable to suggest that it is possible the
> americans allowed it to happen, but to even state that as hard fact betrays
> a hopelessly deluded mind. to flat out claim that is was perpetrated by the
> USA is nothing short of mental illness. that's how consipiracy theorists
> give themselves away, they don't suggest things as possible but state them
> as unquestionable.
> someone really needs to give jaz a slap in the face and tell him to stop
> pretending he's noam chomsky because he isn't. i prefer his more personal
> lyrics, his geopolitics bore me. and he's doing the anti-war movement harm
> by making them look stupid. for example, i agree that technically blair is a
> war criminal by the definition, but when you make that powerful accusation
> alongside such ridiculous claptrap you weaken its effect.