[kj] Another bloody review - mine!
Phillipps Marc
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:31:11 +0100
>But yes, I'd prefer it if the band all pilled into a studio for a
>month and got as psyched into the whole process as Jaz obviously was.
I vaguely remember an old KJ interview in Electronics and Music Maker (I
think it was that anyway, long since lost it) where they described the
writing and recording process for what must have been Night Time as :
"Drink, play, drink more, play more, drink more, fall over"
I think that the next album should follow those basic rules :o)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: PRAEst76 [SMTP:praest76___@dsl.pipex.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:20 PM
> To: nicholas fitzpatrick
> Subject: Re: [kj] Another bloody review - mine!
> nicholas fitzpatrick sed...
> > I first began to have my doubts about this album when I read that the
> drums
> > were being recorded in California and f-ing emailed to a studio
> somewhere
> > else in the world to be mixed. I thought that sounded utterly sh-t.
> > Pessimists pictured an internet society where people would forsake
> > physically interaction with each other to instead ?hide? behind
> computers -
> > well, it seems Killing Joke have just put together an album without
> actually
> > meeting. And this from a lead singer that apparently has no time for
> such
> > means of communication!
> Erm, wasn't Jaz AT the drum session, and I thought I saw Goerdie in
> the drum sessions DVD footage but I'll admit i wasn't paying full
> attention there?
> But yes, I'd prefer it if the band all pilled into a studio for a
> month and got as psyched into the whole process as Jaz obviously was.
> I'd give the album 3 or 4 personally. But then I liked Extremities.
> --
> PRAEst76
> http://www.apxf85.dsl.pipex.com/praest76
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