[kj] Ebay Camden tickets

PRAEst76 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 13:06:53 +0100

foolscircle9ways sed...

> What's the big deal? Who's to say if the guy had gone through a KJ
> website or this list that the tickets wouldn't have gone to someone
> who'd just signed up yesterday (like me) or someone who'd just heard
> of the band and was being curious? At least this way we can be sure
> they'll go to some die hard who's already sold their soul for a
> decent Joke and won't shed red tears on grey for shelling out the
> stuff that's not our god, YŁ$? I'll be bidding - so skin me!

Well if you can afford to pay any price for a ticket then why not.

np: The The - That was the day