[kj] R&R Magazine / Radio & Records KJ Record of the WEEK
AUG 22nd issue
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 13:34:25 +0200
That is great=2E I must use it for my article =
(Killing gig review) for Revolution samizdat =
paper that I write for=2E Pavel
----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A Cliff and Kara Livingston =3Cantifrz=40alaska=2Enet=3E
Datum=3A p=E1tek=2C 29=2E srpna 2003 v 1=3A26 odp=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A =5Bkj=5D R=26R Magazine / Radio =26 Records KJ =
Record of the WEEK AUG 22nd issue
=3E Hello all=2C
=3E Good News from the R=26R Magazine/Radio =26 =
=3E Records=2Ca trade mag for commercial radio =
=3E stations=2Cwith US radio charts=2E
=3E So basically all the radio stations accross =
=3E the country are reading this magazine=2Eand by =
=3E the looks of it=2Cthey=27re gonna be playing =
=3E alot more of SEEING RED ! ! ! NUMBER 1 =
=3E That tune is just warming up =
=3E folks=2E=2E=2ECheers=2CMonk-A
=3E =
=3E http=3A//www=2Eradioandrecords=2Ecom
=3E =
=3E R=26R Alternative Top 20 Specialty Artists
=3E 1 Killing Joke (Epic) Seeing Red
=3E =
=3E Record Of The Week
=3E Artist =3A Killing Joke
=3E Title =3A Killing Joke
=3E Label =3A Epic
=3E =
=3E With strife in practically every corner of =
=3E the globe=2Clegendary rockers Killing Joke =
=3E have returned in time to provide the =
=3E apocalypse=27s soundtrack with their new self-
=3E titled release=2EFor kiddies unaware of the =
=3E joke=27s influence=2Cthe politically and =
=3E socially aware group inspired everyone from =
=3E Metallica to Ministry to Nirvana (the guitar =
=3E line to =22Come As You Are=22 was actually =
=3E Killing Joke=27s =22Eighties=22 slowed =
=3E down)=2EAppropriately enough=2Cformer Nirvana =
=3E drummer and current Foo Fighter Dave Grohl =
=3E repays the favor by hopping behind the kit =
=3E for this album=2Cproviding the tribal bombast =
=3E on the paganistic call to arms =22The Death =26 =
=3E Resurrection Show=22=2EThe real =
=3E stars=2Chowever=2Care frontman Jaz Coleman and =
=3E guitarist Geordie Walker=2Cwho rekindle the =
=3E old flame with incendiary rockers like the =
=3E lead single=2C=22Seeing Red=22=2C=22Implant=22=2Cand =
=3E =22Blood On Your Hands=22=2EKilling Joke is a =
=3E brilliant return to form that reminds the =
=3E youth of the nation how to properly rage =
=3E against the machine=2E
=3E - Frank Correia=2CRock Specialty Editor