[Scons-users] Debugging a build project using SCons

Bill Deegan bill at baddogconsulting.com
Thu Feb 6 13:51:20 EST 2025

If you'd like some consulting help with this, I'm available.
( www.baddogconsulting.com)

Can you roll back your SCM (git) to a point where the build still works?
(Use git bisect if you're using git)
That may be the easiest way to track down what changed.

SCons Project Co-Manager

On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 9:38 AM Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:

> On 2/6/25 09:58, summerrain1--- via Scons-users wrote:
> > Hello folks,
> >
> > first peek into this list, and been fiddling with a SCons build
> > structure for a somewhat complex project for a couple days.
> >
> > Unfortunately I'm not going the route of learning this system by
> > starting with a small, simple project and making baby steps, but am in
> > the less than enviable position of being tasked to fix a build system
> > left by a "defected" colleague, which used to work, and now doesn't ;)
> Sympathies. Yes, this does happen a fair bit (how I was introduced to
> SCons about 8 years ago).
> > I have been trying to do things like add print or Debug.Trace statements
> > to SConscript files within the deep project hierarchy where I thought
> > illuminating when what happens may be promising.
> > But turns out there is no time correlation between when prints are put
> > on the console and when build steps actually happen, because the prints
> > are apparently all done when the system reads all the SConscript files.
> Yes, there's what you could think of as two-pass behavior.  All the
> sconscripts are read and a dependency tree is built.  In this phase, all
> the "pure Python" that is not embedded in callback functions executes.
> Then the completed tree is handed to the taskmaster which figures out
> what needs (re)building, and dispatches workers to do so.
> Everything that actually builds is done via Actions, which don't run
> until they are needed. Also, the command lines that make up many of the
> Actions are written in a mini-language that allows for variable
> substituton, this also does not happen until it's actually needed. For
> example, the line to build from a C source file with gcc is:
> That ends up stored in a variable in your construction environment
> called CCCOM.
> The variable references are expanded recursively, so _CCCOMCOM, which is:
> has to be further expanded, etc.
> This means you have to think a bit about how to debug, as you've found.
> Debug prints are great for the first phase, and if you're downloading
> things are you indicate further down, you should be able to diagnose
> those things fairly easily.
> > Is there still a way to do "printf style debugging" this?
> > Is this even a good idea, or are there better ways to go about it?
> > I have seen one stackoverflow thread with suggestions of installing some
> > fancy IDE to debug the build scripts step-wise based on Python, but this
> > is a headless remote server & I can't do that.
> Some places, prints work fine.
> > I am having problems like the build failing due to some missing file,
> > but no indication in the console output as to why and where it may have
> > failed to get something.
> Usually, missing header files are due to missing settings in $CPPPATH:
> https://scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-man.html#cv-CPPPATH
> Sometimes the way the build is set up obscures information, and if so
> you may wish to remove some of the obscuring.  The build actions have
> corresponding string functions that say what to print when that step is
> executed (if omitted, the whole command line is emitted).  If you're
> seeing brief lines like
> Compilng src/foo/x.c
> you might want to go look for settings of variables like CCCOMSTR and
> temporarily comment those out.
> Let us know if these are other kinds of missing files... sometimes
> generated sources don't get generated, external dependencies don't get
> put into place, and so forth. We may be able to recognize some messages.
> > Trying to get a picture of things just with grep is eating a lot of
> > time. Though I did fix one of these type of issues which turned out to
> > be hard-coded access tokens to download fixed archives of components,
> > which were expired & the build did not stop there despite those files
> > failing to download - intead things exploding later... (and it wasn't
> > even in SConscript or other clearly script type files, i.e. I'm grep'ing
> > all files...)
> As mentioned, getting "externals" or "third party" bits in place can be
> a challenge, so definitely keep checking that. There are some tricks to
> getting those in place so SCons can track them, rather than just
> declaring not found and giving up.
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