[Scons-users] Errors in "Using scanners with Builders" example

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Jan 31 14:58:13 EST 2024

On 1/30/24 09:16, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:
g of that example, I found it really confusing.  It starts out
> by saying:
>    Suppose, for example, that we want to create a simple Scanner
>    for .foo files.
> but the example code that follows seems to deal with .k files,
> not .foo files.

I've written up an issue for this:


and have edits that should improve the overall situation (PR soon). The 
example in 20.3 isn't great, I've made it more comprehensive without 
particularly making it more meaningful, still letting that stew for a bit.

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