[Scons-users] SCons upgrade: 2.3.0 -> recent

Fred Wright fw at fwright.net
Sat Mar 25 18:37:50 EDT 2023

On Fri, 24 Mar 2023, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> One is do deal with the Python issues.  You can try running 2to3 on your 
> build scripts without the -w flag (so it only shows you what it would do and 
> doesn't change the files in place) and see what it proposes. This will 
> usually not be a lot - print changing to a function, some changes in 
> exception syntax, methods that now return an iterator rather than a list.

Beware that, due to the way the relationship among 'str', 'unicode', and 
'bytes' changed in Python 3, there's a lot of potential for trouble that 
isn't caught by 2to3.  Note that SCons itself was still fixing bugs 
related to Python 3 after dropping support for Python 2.

Fred Wright

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