[Scons-users] Code not rebuilt when switching between two VisualStudio versions

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Fri Apr 9 10:02:27 EDT 2021

On 4/8/21 6:38 PM, Bill Deegan wrote:
> Steve,
> Glad we could get you to a solution!
> This is a new use case for me.. and I've been around a while. ;)

The case of "compiler wrappers" is pretty common. On the Linux side, 
ccache and distcc have been around for a very long time, and there are 
others which pretend to be the compiler but call the "real" compiler to 
actually execute.  I'd be interested in seeing how much SCons gets 
fooled on those.  It shouldn't really be a problem unless you're trying 
to compare two versions, which was the use case here - that is, if I use 
ccache and the path to it is always what SCons sees, then the only 
problem is if you upgrade the real compiler, but usually that doesn't 
happen in a way that you're flipping between two versions of the real 
compiler and thus missing that something is happening that should 
trigger a rebuild.

Seems like this is worth recording in an issue for docs, at least: "if 
using a wrapper program in front of an actual binary, SCons may not 
detect changes in the actual compiler that should trigger a rebuild".

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