[Scons-users] F90PPCOM vs F90COM not invoked correctly

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Apr 16 11:26:37 EDT 2020

On 4/16/20 9:12 AM, Bill Deegan wrote:
> When you run under msys, which python are you using? windows or msys?
> The code in question is in SCons/Tools/f*.py FortranCommon.py gfortran.py
> As far as I can see there's no F90PPSuffixes defined by default?
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 7:34 AM Luke Robison <lukerobison at gmail.com
> <mailto:lukerobison at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     It looks like the manpage mentions this:
>     SCons handles the upper-case .F file suffix differently, depending
>     on the capabilities of the underlying system. On a case-sensitive
>     system such as Linux or UNIX, SCons treats a file with a .F suffix
>     as a Fortran source file that is to be first run through the
>     standard C preprocessor. On a case-insensitive system such as
>     Windows, SCons treats a file with a .F suffix as a Fortran source
>     file that should /not/ be run through the C preprocessor. 
>     Can anyone point me to the Scons module that makes that decision? 
>     Windows is somewhat case sensitive, so this seems like an
>     unnecessary fallback when all tools can recognize .f vs .F (indeed,
>     Glob itself well fail to find .F files if given "*.f").

the Tool/__init__.py module has some logic that adds a C scanner on a
capital F suffix (and also on .fpp and .FPP).  I assume that's what
causes cpp to run on it.  Look for CSuffixes.

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