[Scons-users] MSVC is broken for x86 builds on x64 hosts

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu May 16 11:33:53 EDT 2019

On 5/16/19 2:11 AM, Michael Hartmann wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> sorry for not following up sooner, other things caught up with me. There
> were two issues here:
>   * I was not setting up the environment correctly.
>   * The problem I mentioned here:
>>I guess the fix would be in _check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir():
> if not host_trgt_dir:
> “not host_trgt_dir” evaluates to True. A simple change to “if
> host_trgt_dir is None” should fix this.
> As for the issue with host_trgt_dir: will there be a fix?

So in your case, the host and target are both x86, so it picks out of
the dictionary the empty string, which was supposed to indicate no
subdirectory, and misinterprets that as "we don't know about this pair
at all".  Sounds legit enough...

    ("x86","x86")      : "",

Do you want to submit a pull request?  If not someone else can do it
easily enough, I guess.

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