[Scons-users] has overriding C++ compiler paths and names changed with Python 3.x?

Damien damien at khubla.com
Thu Jan 17 18:36:11 EST 2019

Hi all,

For probably ten years we've run a custom build setup, overriding SCons 
default behaviour for compiler selection, library flags etc depending on 
what OS we're on and what compiler versions we need to use.  We've been 
on 3.0.1 with Python 2.7 for a year now.  We're just setting up a CI/QC 
server with 3.0.3 and Python 3.7.2.  SCons is now complaining that there 
are no C++ compilers installed, even though we have set the path 
explicitly.  This is with Visual Studio 2017, v15.9.5, it just came out 
a few days ago.

We now get the missing compiler message:  scons: warning: No version of 
Visual Studio compiler found - C/C++ compilers most likely not set 

In the SCons environment, we set the following in a .py file that's 
called by the SConscript from SConstruct:

cxxcompilerpath = ["C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual 
env.PrependENVPath('PATH', cxxcompilerpath)
env['CXX'] = 'cl.exe'

That cxxcompilerpath exists and cl.exe is there.  This has worked for 
years for us.

We get the standard command prompt "can't find it" message:

'cl.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

SCons was installed with "python setup.py install", not with pip.

Any suggestions?


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