[Scons-users] Question about splitting debug information

Martin Ritter martin.ritter at lmu.de
Wed Oct 24 04:41:10 EDT 2018


I have a question regarding splitting debug information from binaries 
and libraries with SCons: What we want to do is to split the debug 
information from libraries and executables and put them into separate 
files following 

So we wrote a simple builder which does just that:

strip_debug = Builder(
     action='objcopy --only-keep-debug $SOURCE $TARGET && '
     'strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded $SOURCE && '
     'objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$TARGET $SOURCE',
     suffix='.debug', prefix=".debug/")

but obviously this modifies the original $SOURCE. So when running scons 
again it will notice that the libraries are not up to date and relink them.

One solution is to first link the library into the build directory and 
then copy and strip the files to their final destination. But I was 
wondering if there is a way to do this without a temporary copy of the 
binaries (which is quite some disk space in our project)

Best Regards,


Dr. Martin Ritter

LMU München, Excellence Cluster Universe
Boltzmannstrasse 2, 85748 Garching

Tel: (+49) 89 35831-7152
Fax: (+49) 89 3299-4002

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