[Scons-users] Recursive directories, and the ignoring of filenames.

Matthew Marinets Matthew.Marinets at Kardium.com
Fri Aug 3 17:16:35 EDT 2018

I have reproduced the issue, and it's definitely a bug. It's very specific, which is probably why no one else has run into it before.

My code:
# SConstruct
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ)
src = Dir('src')
build = Dir('build')

sources = Glob(pattern = str(src) + '/*.c')
print([str(x) for x in sources])

# Copy only the first source, but give the builder all sources
output = env.Command(target = [build.File(x.name) for x in sources[:1]], source = sources, action = 'cp $SOURCE $TARGET.dir')

with the same directory structure as before. (src/a.c, src/b.c, src/qwer.c)

-Running the build once copies a.c to build, as expected. Running the build again says that build/a.c is up to date.
-Making a change to any source (a.c, b.c, or qwer.c) causes a rebuild
-Changing the name of qwer.c to, say q.c DOES NOT CAUSE A REBUILD. This is the bug.
We would expect that if changing the contents of qwer.c causes a rebuild, then changing the name of qwer.c to something else should also cause a rebuild.
Additionally, adding an env.Depend() DOES NOT WORK. This has to do with how SCons handles its dependency checking:

The method in charge of determining if a node is out of date comes from SCons.Node.__init__.py, in class Node, method changed(). The method checks three things:
-If the length of the source list has changed
-If the decider decides that a child is out of date.
-If the build action changed

The only potential place that can check if a child's name changed is the decider, and the default SCons decider doesn't. It merely compares item x in the current source list with item x in the old source list, and runs hashes only on the contents. I'm still not too great at navigating the SCons codebase, but I think it comes back to SCons.Node.changed_content(), which checks the csig attribute. Csig in turn comes from get_csig(), which only runs MD5 on a node's get_contents() output.

**The script-side temporary fix would have to adjust the decider somehow.
-This function needs to take three arguments. From the SCons source code, it looks like "decider(dependency, target, prev_ni)" is used
-This function should return True if the node changed, false if it did not.
-A user could reasonably copy functions changed_content() and get_csig() from SCons/Node.FS.py and use those as a basis for a new decider.
-The adjusted decider would simply append a node's name to its contents when if calculates a csig.
I'm not 100% exactly how to implement this myself (I'm no hashing expert), so I would appreciate if anyone with the requisite know-how could implement this and share the code.

**The full SCons-side fix is probably going to include a node's name when getting a hash.
-In SCons.Node.get_csig(), we would need to change the "csig = SCons.Util.MD5signature(contents)" to  "csig = SCons.Util.MD5signature(contents + self.name)" (might have type issues)
-Either adjust get_content_hash() to include the node's name, or create a new method get_node_hash() that includes the node's name.

Hope my constant walls of text aren't wearing on people : P


-----Original Message-----
From: Scons-users <scons-users-bounces at scons.org> On Behalf Of Alistair Buxton
Sent: August 3, 2018 12:52
To: SCons users mailing list <scons-users at scons.org>
Subject: Re: [Scons-users] Recursive directories, and the ignoring of filenames.

On 3 August 2018 at 20:41, Bill Deegan <bill at baddogconsulting.com> wrote:

>> Because the purpose of the example was to demonstrate that scons does 
>> not reliably rebuild when the sources list changes. The fact that it 
>> rebuilds if the action string changes is completely irrelevant, and 
>> not helpful in the case where the tool takes a single directory as 
>> the only argument.
> So if this causes the appropriate behavior but for the wrong "reason", 
> then you will not use it?

I cannot use it because the tool in question only accepts a single directory as the sole argument, and so I could not list all the files in the action string even if I wanted to. (Which I do not.)

> As I understand it, you're trying to solve two issues to get the build 
> you
> want:
> 1) Find the list of all dependencies correctly.  The scanner can 
> resolve this.  (Especially if some of the files are built files, which 
> you've yet to answer from a previous response in this email thread)
> 2) Decide if you need to rebuild (For this to work you need a correct 
> list of dependencies, once again the scanner can solve this part of the puzzle).
> Then you just need an appropriate decider.

No, this is incorrect on both counts.

1) I don't need the list of dependencies, because the tool I am running only accepts a single directory as the sole argument. The list of dependencies is therefore useless for the purposes of generating the action string.

2) Having a correct list of dependencies does not help in deciding if I need to rebuild, because scons will not check if the filenames have changed. It will therefore give the wrong result when given a correct list of dependencies. This is the issue I am reporting, and is the reason why none of the suggestions made so far in this thread will work, except for the Value() based workaround I initially presented.

Alistair Buxton
a.j.buxton at gmail.com
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