[Scons-users] Print out messages only if target is building

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Aug 1 12:28:03 EDT 2018

On 08/01/2018 06:19 AM, Anna Cheremnykh wrote:
> Hi,
> I stuck with a problem: I want to print message only when given
> target(Scinscript) is building.
> What we have: several samples, each sample in separate directory with
> separate Sconscript. Some of samples require 3rdparty SDKs and
> environment variables set to these SDKs. But if developer doesn't have
> such env var - sample build should be just skipped without errors.
> So in sconsripts we added something like this:
> if not os.getenv('SOME_SDK_ROOT'):
>     print('SOME_SDK_ROOT  not found, ' + sample_name + ' build skipped')
>     Return()
> I understand that scons read all sconsript files first. And I see this
> message every time even if I build another samples or another
> components. So my question how NOT to print messages if I call another
> target from another Sconscript? Thanks!

I think you can look at COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS and BUILD_TARGETS to maybe
figure something out?


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