[Scons-users] Help my build get faster... (was SCons and parts)

Pico Geyer picogeyer at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 02:48:27 EDT 2017

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 4:56 AM, Bill Deegan <bill at baddogconsulting.com> wrote:
> Pico,
> You can do this.
> env.MyBuilder(Target,Source, ANY_ENV_FLAG=['a','b','c'],
> CPPPATH=['z','d','f']
> There's no need to clone the environment to have specialized flags for a
> given builder or target..


I think perhaps I didn't explain very well.
I don't need many flags for a single builder. I need a *different set*
of flags for each object.
so perhaps as an example, something like this:
stuff_to_build = {
'file1' : {opts = "-g -f", includes=['/path/to/include1', 'path/to/include2']},
'file2': { opts= "-g -h", includes=['/path/to/include3', 'path/to/include4']},
'file2000': {...}

And then the scons specific code would look like
for k, f in stuff_to_build:
   new_env = env.Clone()
   new_env['opts'] = f['opts']
   new_env['includes'] = f['includes']
   t = new_env.MyCompiler(k)

So each object would be compiled as
mycompiler -o file1. out -g -f -I/path/to/include1 -I/path/to/include2 file1
mycompiler -o file2.out -g -h -I/path/to/include3 -I/path/to/include4 file2

So I really do need a different env for each object, right?
I know it may be a bit weird to have a different set of flags for each
object file but this is the requirement for that project and not
something that will change.

It's acceptable that scons take a few seconds on this mammoth project
but what really hurts is that when building something completely
unrelated (and that has no dependency on the mammoth project),  we
still have such a large startup time.
Now one solution would be completely disconnect the mammoth project
from the rest of the build. (I.E mv SConscript SConstruct)
Then I'd need to tell users that if they want to build something that
depends on the mammoth project then you need to first go to that
project and run scons there
and then come back and run the main scons build.
I'm still trying to avoid a solution like that because it adds more
required steps to our build, instead of just a simple scons command.

Sorry for the long story but I hope that clears things up?

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