[Scons-users] Intermiddent build error on Windows - cl : Command line error D8022 : cannot open 'c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpekylod.lnk'

Fred Wright fw at fwright.net
Thu Sep 8 14:43:51 EDT 2016

On Thu, 8 Sep 2016, Bill Deegan wrote:

> As William said. Going forward (at least the current plan), print() will be
> required so both py 2.x and 3.x can be supported by the same SCons codebase.

I.e., it now has "from __future__ import print_function".  But if the
"2.7+" is based on the erroneous claim that it's a requirement for
"polyglot" code, you should be aware that I found no issues in testing
GPSD's (unreleased) "polyglot" code with 2.6 (the actual minimum version
for print_function).

As far as Python 3 versions go, it was originally going to make 3.3 the
minimum, but I was able to push that back to 3.2 just by getting rid of a
couple of unnecessary Unicode literals (a Python 2 feature removed in 3.0
and reinstated in 3.3).  It's not worth bothering with 3.0 or 3.1, though.

Fortunately the future import stuff is per-module, so it doesn't
automatically force that behavior on SConstruct scripts, but if SCons
is actually run under Python 3, then scripts would have to be compatible
with Python 3.  Perhaps there should be an "scons2" command.

Fred Wright

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