[Scons-users] replacing ant with java

Pierre-Luc Boily pierreluc.boily at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 21:29:52 EDT 2016


We are in a process to move our Make system / Ant to scons.  So far, we
succeeded to :

   1. Replace *make *by *scons *to compile C++
   2. Create *Custom Builders* that compile successfully grammars (we are
   in speech project)
   3. Grammars & C++ code compile in parallel
   4. Make *scons * invoke our ant system to compile multiple Java jar
   (single threaded)

What failed :

   1. Our java code, compiled with python *call* function (invoking ant)
   failed in parallel. *(Actually, I am not sure to understand yet why this
   failed.  Our java dependencies are well written in build.xml..)*

To resolve my problem above, I see two solutions :

   1. Compile our project single threaded
   2. Or remove ant and replace with scons to compile java.

I am here because I want to be able to do solution two.  Compiling multi
threaded is really powerful.  So,  before putting too much effort, I have
couple question regarding compiling java with scons.  I want to be sure
that what we I want to do is feasible.

*Question 1:*
Code below is our main *build.xml* file.  As you can see, the xml has been
written with dependencies.  So, when *ant *is invoke, he knows that he has
to build *subprojects *first. I am wondering if scons can automagically
manage this?  My guess is I will probably need a Custom Builder to
accomplish a task like this.

<!-- Create executable jar -->
    <target name="create_run_jar" depends="clean, build-subprojects,
build-project, copy-lib">
    <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] localroot = ${env.LOCALROOT}"/>
    <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] dist = ${dist_dir_output}"/>
    <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] Creating ${ant.project.name} jar
to ${dist_dir_output}"/>
    <manifestclasspath property="jar.classpath"
       <classpath refid="manifest.classpath"/>
        <jar destfile="${dist_dir_output}/RulesEngine.jar">
                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="rules_engine.Main"/>
                <attribute name="Class-Path" value=". ${jar.classpath}"/>
            <fileset dir="bin"/>
<target depends="init" name="build-project">
        <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] Compiling ${ant.project.name}:
        nowarn="on" deprecation="true" listfiles="true"
        <compilerarg value="-Xlint"/>
<target name="build-subprojects">
<echo message="[${ant.project.name}] Building related projects"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${DroolsGenericModel.location}"
inheritAll="false" target="jar"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${DroolsATCModel.location}"
inheritAll="false" target="jar"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${DroolsUtils.location}" inheritAll="false"
        <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${FaaModel.location}"
inheritAll="false" target="jar"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${VacModel.location}" inheritAll="false"
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${DroolsClient.location}" inheritAll="false"
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${DroolsFaaUtils.location}"
inheritAll="false" target="jar"/>

 So, do you think it is feasible to accomplish what is above with scons? (
I don't want the solution, just tell me Custom Builder needed, or an
alternative etc etc...)

*Question 2:*
One of the subproject above, (FaaModel), has a build.xml that generates a
java file (Commands.java).  One of our java project needs that file.  This
dependency is written as follow :

    <target name="genCmdIdClass">

    <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] Generating ${enumPath}"/>

    <delete file="${enumPath}"/>

    <exec dir="${basedir}" executable="perl" output="${enumPath}">
       <arg line="${RulesEngine.location}/../common/header2java.pl"/>
    <arg line="../../../../../fwk/systemInterface/simnet/src/pbs_api.h"/>
    <arg line="adacel.model.atc.simulation.faa"/>
    <arg line="VoiceRecognitionMsgType_en"/>
    <arg line="${enumName}"/>

    <sleep seconds="2"/>

    <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] ${enumName} generated"/>

    <target depends="init, genCmdIdClass" name="build-project">
        <echo message="[${ant.project.name}] Compiling ${ant.project.name}:
        <javac debug="true" nowarn="off" deprecation="true"
listfiles="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin"
source="${source}" target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
            <src path="src"/>
        <classpath refid="DroolsModel.classpath"/>
<compilerarg value="-Xlint"/>

As you can see, we are expressing a dependency to a file generated by a
perl script.  Then again, is is possible to accomplish this with scons?  I
see only one alternatives :

   1. In my SConscript file.
      1. With scons *Command*, call perl script that generates
      Commands.java file
      2. Put as *source *Commands.java when invoking scons *Java*

Is it the way I should accomplish this, or there is another alternative?

*Question 3:*
Our build.xml file copy jar files. See :

<!-- Copy all required libraries to run the jar -->
<target name="copy-lib">
<echo message="Copying required libraries to ${lib.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${lib.dir}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${lib.dir}"/>

        <copy file="${common.io.lib}/commons-io-2.4.jar"
        <copy file="${common.lang.lib}/commons-lang3-3.1.jar"
        <copy file="${common.collection.lib}/commons-collections4-4.0.jar"
<copy file="${common.cli.lib}/commons-cli-1.2.jar" todir="${lib.dir}"/>
<copy file="${junit.lib}/junit-4.8.2.jar" todir="${lib.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${lib.dir}">
    <fileset dir="${drools.lib}">
                <include name="*.jar"/>
        <copy file="${dds.lib}/dcpssaj.jar" todir="${lib.dir}"/>
        <copy file="${jars.lib}/dds-interface.jar" todir="${lib.dir}"/>
<move file="${DroolsGenericModel.location}/DroolsGenericModel.jar"
<move file="${DroolsATCModel.location}/DroolsATCModel.jar"
    <move file="${DroolsUtils.location}/DroolsUtils.jar"
<move file="${DroolsClient.location}/DroolsClient.jar" todir="${lib.dir}"/>
<copy file="resources/droolsConfig.properties" todir="${config_dir_output}"

I guess I will do this with *Install*?

*Questions 4:*

Devs here would like to know if there is an integration with Netbeans or
Eclipse?  I found documentation about visual studio in scons page, but
nothing about Eclipse and/or java.
Thank you very much
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