[Scons-users] Possible threading bug in scons

Tom Tanner (BLOOMBERG/ LONDON) ttanner2 at bloomberg.net
Mon Jan 18 09:48:47 EST 2016

Someone here has been doing a lot of parallel builds and come across what looks like a bug though I'm not sure why:

The problem is with this bit in Taskmaster:

    def execute(self):
        Called to execute the task.

        This method is called from multiple threads in a parallel build,
        so only do thread safe stuff here.  Do thread unsafe stuff in
        prepare(), executed() or failed().
        T = self.tm.trace
        if T: T.write(self.trace_message(u'Task.execute()', self.node))

            cached_targets = []
            for t in self.targets:
                if not t.retrieve_from_cache():

The t.retrieve_from_cache ends up doing this:

  File ".../SCons/Node/FS.py", line 1778, in get_csig
    contents = self.get_contents()
  File ".../SCons/Node/FS.py", line 1769, in get_contents
    contents.append('%s %s\n' % (node.get_csig(), node.name))
  File ".../SCons/Node/__init__.py", line 784, in get_csig
    return self.ninfo.csig
AttributeError: 'FileNodeInfo' object has no attribute 'csig'

which goes away if he puts a lock in Node.get_ninfo.

Now, the only way I can think of this triggering is if he's managed to get two rules with the same target. Is that possible? and if so how can you detect it? I don't like the idea of having a lock in Node.get_ninfo.
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