[Scons-users] Compact notation

Eric Lunderberg eric.lunderberg at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 17:18:23 EST 2016

Well, it's not the prettiest, but you could manually generate the full list
of CPPDEFINES in the python code.

        'source_windows.cpp' if windows else [],
                (["applies"] if windows else []),
        'lib_windows' if windows else [],

The one problem with this is that it assumes that env['CPPDEFINES'] has
been used before.  If you haven't, you'll get a KeyError, because
env['CPPDEFINES'] hadn't been defined before.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Andrew C. Morrow <andrew.c.morrow at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi -
> Great suggestion! I just tried it, and it definitely works. Supporting
> None would be nice too, as it seems a little clearer, but I can work with
> [].
> OK, so that leaves question 2. Any ideas on a way to do accumulative
> environment modifications inline when declaring a target?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Brian Cody <brian.j.cody at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey Andrew,
>> For your first issue, does this work:
>> env.Library(
>>     target="foo",
>>     source=[
>>         'source1.cpp',
>>         'source2.cpp',
>>         'source_windows.cpp' if windows else [],
>>     ],
>>     LIBS=[
>>         'lib1',
>>         'lib2',
>>         'lib_windows' if windows else [],
>>     ]
>> )
>> I think it will automatically flatten the lists internally.
>> On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Andrew C. Morrow <
>> andrew.c.morrow at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Over the past few years, I've encountered a few things that seem to lead
>>> to more-verbose-than-needed python code when writing SConscripts, leading
>>> to a less declarative feel. I've recently been thinking about how I would
>>> want to write these things better. Perhaps others have encountered these
>>> same issues and have found solutions?
>>> 1) Conditionally including a file or library:
>>> If I have a library that may or may not include a particular file (say,
>>> based on if the target platform is windows), I generally need to pull the
>>> list of sources out, and then conditionally append:
>>> fooSources=[
>>>     'source1.cpp',
>>>     'source2.cpp',
>>> ]
>>> fooLibs=[
>>>     'lib1',
>>>     'lib2,
>>> ]
>>> if windows:
>>>    fooSources.append('source_windows.cpp')
>>>    fooLibs.append('lib_windows')
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target='foo',
>>>     source=fooSources
>>>     LIBS=fooLibs
>>> )
>>> It would be nicer to write:
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target="foo",
>>>     source=[
>>>         'source1.cpp',
>>>         'source2.cpp',
>>>         'source_windows.cpp' if windows else None,
>>>     ],
>>>     LIBS=[
>>>         'lib1',
>>>         'lib2',
>>>         'lib_windows' if windows else None,
>>>     ]
>>> )
>>> But SCons seems to reject this:
>>> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name':
>>> Would it be a reasonable enhancement request that the various built-in
>>> builders filter incoming lists for None? Is there another way to achieve
>>> this? I could obviously attach filter each expression for None at the point
>>> of its declaration, but that seems verbose.
>>> It doesn't come up often, but it would be nice.
>>> 2) Inline manipulation of Environment variables.
>>> I can easily override an Env var when declaring a target:
>>> // Happens far away
>>> env.Append(CPPDEFINES="whatever")
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target="foo",
>>>     source=...
>>>     CPPDEFINES=["applies"]
>>> )
>>> This will build with -Dapplies, overriding "whatever" in CPPDEFINES for
>>> the sources in this target. But what if I want to Append or Prepend
>>> (Unique), instead of override? There doesn't seem to be a compact syntax
>>> for that. I need to write:
>>> // Happens far away
>>> env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["whatever"])
>>> env = env.Clone()
>>> env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=["applies"])
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target="foo",
>>>     source=...
>>> )
>>> Now I get both -Dwhatever and -Dapplies for the sources.
>>> But what I'd really like to write is:
>>> // Happens far away
>>> env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["whatever"])
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target="foo",
>>>     source=...
>>>     CPPDEFINES=UniqueAppender(["applies"]),
>>> )
>>> Where UniqueAppender is a mutator that causes the effects of
>>> env.AppendUnique(arg) to be applied to the local Environment for the target.
>>> Is there any existing mechanism to achieve this? If not, is it possible?
>>> Reasonable? Other suggestions for how to do this?
>>> Combining the two techniques:
>>> Old:
>>> fooSources=[
>>>     'source1.cpp',
>>>     'source2.cpp',
>>> ]
>>> fooLibs=[
>>>     'lib1',
>>>     'lib2,
>>> ]
>>> if windows:
>>>    fooSources.append('source_windows.cpp')
>>>    fooLibs.append('lib_windows')
>>> env = env.Clone()
>>> env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=["applies"])
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target='foo',
>>>     source=fooSources
>>>     LIBS=fooLibs
>>> )
>>> New (and making the 'applies' conditional as well, just for fun):
>>> env.Library(
>>>     target="foo",
>>>     source=[
>>>         'source1.cpp',
>>>         'source2.cpp',
>>>         'source_windows.cpp' if windows else None,
>>>     ],
>>>     CPPDEFINES=UniqueAppender([
>>>         "applies" if windows else None,
>>>     ]),
>>>     LIBS=[
>>>         'lib1',
>>>         'lib2',
>>>         'lib_windows' if windows else None,
>>>     ]
>>> )
>>> I think these two features would go a long way towards making complex
>>> SConscripts more declarative.
>>> Thoughts? Suggestions? Ways I can do this now with SCons that I'm
>>> missing?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrew
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