[Scons-users] Builder execution order?

delbert dev delbertum at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 19:21:48 EST 2014

In the root of my git repo I have a SConstruct file that calls some
subscripts (SConscript):

*subscripts = [*

* ['A/SConscript', 'testA'],*
* ['B/SConscript', 'testB']*
* ]*
*for c in subscripts:*
* odir = outputdir + '/' + c[1]*
* SConscript(c[0],*
* variant_dir = odir,*
* duplicate = 0,*
* exports = ['env', 'odir'])*

As a result I can simply call 'scons' from the root and all the above
projects will be build. If I only want to build B I simply type 'scons
testB' (I guess this here:
be a better approach?)

In project B I am using the two scripts defined here (which I have copied
to site_scons/site_tools ):

*env.Tool('URLDownload', '#site_scons/site_tools')env.Tool('Unpack',
'#site_scons/site_tools')env.Replace(URLDOWNLOAD_USEURLFILENAME = False
)ouutdir = Entry('outdir')a = env.Alias('abc',
env.URLDownload(gtestOutputFile, gtestUrl))b = env.Alias('xyz', env.Unpack(
ouutdir, gtestOutputFile ))*

but when I run 'scons abc' it appears that it runs xyz first (complain
about the file not existing).

If I remove *b* *a* is executed just fine. And if I re-enable *b* it
extract the file downloaded in *a*. Why is *b* run before *a*?
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