[Scons-users] PlatformIO: Compilation bug on Windows with installed MSVC

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Sat Dec 13 16:55:59 EST 2014

On 13.12.2014 21:49, Ivan Kravets wrote:
>> [...]
>>> As I understand, I can't avoid "default" tool, because it contains all logic with "Program", "Library" and etc.
>> the "default" option tries to load everything it finds, so you end up with an Environment that has all possible Builders attached...even those that you don't really need. If your "platformio" tool/package relies on the Builders "Library", "Program", and so on...you have to load the Builders that attach these methods to your environment of course.
>> That's why a simple "tools=['platformio']" is not enough, you have to load "gcc", "g++", "ar", "gnulink" as well.
>> Does this make things clearer for you?
> This has looked a bit confusing to me, but now I got you! I looked into the sources:
> https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/src/da5785c5f30f852734b3f985b798a5508bfea9db/src/engine/SCons/Tool/?at=default
> and understood what do you mean under "g++", "gcc"... Sometimes, these abbreviations can have another meaning and using :)
> Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend! :)

You're very welcome. Have a good weekend too.



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