[Scons-users] Documentation for the 'Tag' function

Andrew C. Morrow andrew.c.morrow at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 13:23:59 EDT 2013

The documentation for the 'Tag' function demonstrates attaching Tags to the
result of calling 'Library'. However, the Package function only searches
install nodes for the resulting PACKAGE_ attributes, which it obtains by
calling FindInstalledFiles.

This suggests to me that to be useable, the Tag function should be invoked
on the result of calling Install, not on the library node.

Which of the following is correct?

# Attach tag to library
fooLibrary = env.StaticLibrary(target="foo", source=[...])
env.Tag(fooLibrary, MYTAG="myvalue")
env.Install("$PREFIX/lib", fooLibrary)
env.Package(NAME="libfoo", VERSION="1.2.3", PACKAGETYPE="targz")


# Attach tag to install target
fooLibrary = env.StaticLibrary(target="foo", source=[...])
fooLibraryInstall = env.Install("$PREFIX/lib", fooLibrary)
env.Tag(fooLibraryInstall, MYTAG="myvalue")
env.Package(NAME="libfoo", VERSION="1.2.3", PACKAGETYPE="targz")

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