[Scons-users] dependencies when you define environment variables

Gary Oberbrunner garyo at oberbrunner.com
Wed Jul 18 09:40:51 EDT 2012

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, TOM TANNER (BLOOMBERG/ LONDON)
<ttanner2 at bloomberg.net> wrote:

> That works with Command builders, but I can't see how to do it if I define a Builder and want to do something like


> builder = Builder(action = 'some_program_that_needs_an_environment_variable_set')


> especially if the environment variable value depends on the value of $SOURCE


> so I end up doing an emitter that records some program as a dependency

Well, your builder will also take env var overrides, so it's mostly
not any different from Command. I think what you're saying is having
to manipulate env[ENV] before calling the builder each time is
annoying. Is that right?


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