[RASEY-DNA] FTDNA sale on BigY and FamilyFinder

Diana Gale Matthiesen DianaGM at dgmweb.net
Wed Jun 11 04:23:51 EDT 2014

Family Tree DNA is having a sale on two very important tests:  the BigY and
FamilyFinder, each with a significant discount.  Strictly speaking, neither of
these tests is within the scope of a Y-DNA Surname project, which is based on
STR (short tandem repeat) testing, while the BigY and FF tests are based on SNP
(single nucleotide polymorphism) testing.  

My interest in DNA testing is entirely within a genealogical, not
anthropological, time frame; and for genealogical purposes, STR testing of the
male Y-chromosome has proven to be a powerful tool for supporting paper
pedigrees, debunking erroneous ones, and breaking through "brick walls,"
connecting families genetically that were (and may remain) unconnected on paper.
Prior to this point, I have not been a champion of Y-DNA SNP testing or FF
testing because I felt their use was limited for genealogical purposes.  I no
longer feel this is the case...

With the BigY, Y-DNA SNP testing is reaching down into genealogical time showing
promise that it can identify individual lines in families, something STR testing
has only occasionally been successful in doing.  The problem with the BigY is
that it produces so much data, trying to analyze it has proven overwhelming.
FTDNA has just announced a forthcoming tool that will make this analysis *much*
easier.  I have BigY tested three of my cousins, and each has *hundreds* of
novel SNPs (previously unknown SNPs) that can be used to trace lines in their
families.  I am greatly looking forward to the new tool to analyze them.

In the case of the FF test, I've tested myself and several near cousins, and
while we dramatically matched each other, I was initially underwhelmed with the
remainder of the matching.  Of course, this was due to so few people having
taken the test when it first appeared.  Things have changed, and enough people
have taken the test that I can attest to its usefulness.  In particular, it
allows females to participate on an equal footing with males.  I especially urge
women to take the test.

In the case of FF, the most useful strategy is to test yourself, both of your
parents, and as many siblings as you can.  By testing both parents, you have a
much easier time separating which of your genetic segments came from which side
of your family, and the more siblings tested, the more such segments can be

Bottom line:  I urge you to take advantage of these sales.  


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