[IGDA_indies] Texas Independent Game Conference

C Ratchet zratchet at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 01:56:14 EDT 2006

The new Texas Independent Game Conference (
http://www.txindiegamecon.com ) is coming up on July 22/23 in Austin
and I'd like you to take a look at the website and consider attending
the event. The program features leading independent game developers
(including Warren Spector, Greg Costikyan, Gordon Walton and others)
exploring and discussing the challenges and issues the industry is

* Where is the industry heading – what are the drivers and what can
you do to win?

* Where are the best opportunities, what is the timing and the likely rewards?

* What's happening in the mobile game market, is the party over?

* How can I get funds for my ideas and my company?

* What's the future for casual games?

* What are the trends in on-line distribution?

* How can I protect my games and my IP?

* How do I get a good Publisher/Distribution deal?

…and lots more.

Greg Costikyan and Warren Spector are Keynote speakers and will
deliver their forthright views on what's wrong with the industry and
how it needs to change.

We've kept the cost down – just $105 for BOTH days. This is a great
opportunity to network with your fellow indie game developers and hear
some outstanding insights from people who are prepared to share their
success (and pain) with you.


Attached is the latest Press Release from the conference and the
website is being updated with the latest session information.

Please forward this email to any of your contacts that you think will
be interested in the conference.

Michael Lubker
Indie SIG Co-coordinator
TXIGC Advisory Board Member
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