[IGDA_indies] looking for citation info on indie dev etc

T.L. Taylor tltaylor at itu.dk
Mon Aug 9 09:43:56 EDT 2004

Hi folks. I am wondering if there are any good articles, reports, etc 
which give some figures/analysis on the state of game development in 
terms of how many major vs indie developers & publishers there are. 
Is the general impression that a handful of companies control at the 
very least distribution and publishing correct? (This is probably a 
bit imprecise way of asking things but I'm curious about titles that 
hit mainstream shops etc.) Has anyone done some analysis on this? How 
do things look in terms of development?  I did some poking around at 
Gamasutra etc but didn't really spot any good useful summaries. Maybe 
I missed something though so any help would be most appreciated. 
Thanks! :)



T.L. Taylor, Assistant Professor
Center for Computer Games Research
Dept. of Digital Aesthetics and Communiction
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
+45 7218 5035 (tele) / +45 7218 5001 (fax)
tltaylor at itu.dk / http://www.itu.dk/~tltaylor/

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