[IGDA_indies] What should the Indie SIG do?

Jason Della Rocca jason at igda.org
Fri Jul 23 17:11:00 EDT 2004

>Going back to my original post, the first question is WHAT ARE WE TRYING 

I agree with Brian 100%.

Reading Ratchet's "milestone" list makes my head spin ;)

As examples, I think the newly formed Production SIG and QA SIG have a good 
sense of why they exist and what they want to accoplish:


They are both just starting and so have not actually done any real work... 
But, they at least of a sense of purpose and mission that can be translated 
into meaningful projects.

Given existing indie resources and tools out there, it is unclear to me 
what the IGDA and/or SIG should do.

Should SIG simply be an unbiased community hub (ie, not affiliated to a 
particular developer (eg, Dexterity), or tool (eg, GarageGames))?

Should the SIG work to provide legal resources (eg, template contract, 
copyright assignment form, etc)? Is this available anywhere?

Should the SIG try to replicate what GameDev.Net or FlipCode are/do? 
Probably not wise to compete...

Hard to say.

What kind of stuff would help foster indie game development/developers that 
is not yet being done elsewhere?


Jason Della Rocca
Program Director
International Game Developers Association

t: +1-514-426-1162
f: +1-514-426-1201
Montreal, Canada


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Yoda

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