[IGDA_indies] Indie Roundtable, eZine

C Ratchet zratchet at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 18 15:22:52 EDT 2004

Hello all,

I've just been thinking of some ideas that I think would help in 
getting the Indie SIG more organized and get more people interested in 
contributing and/or joining the SIG.

First, I think it would be good to have Indie Roundtable Sessions, 
maybe weekly or monthly, on the IRC channel ( irc.freenode.net 
#indie-sig ) I'd like to know what would be a good time for everyone. 
For me, 12-8PM EST usually is good on any day but Saturday. I may not 
always be around the other days, but the channel's always open for 
discussion, so feel free to come anytime.

About Roundtable Sessions, here are some things I think are worth 

1) should we start some type of eZine or even print magazine about 
Indie Game Development?

2) should we have live roundtables? If so where? I personally nominate 
Austin, TX. For this section of discussion, I would like to see when 
and where people think it might be a good time to meet. Yearly (if not 
more frequently) Roundtables in the major cities and capitols I feel 
would be a good thing as it would get more people together. Of course a 
convention/conference/expo would be even better ;)

3) Discussion of indie meetings, what has happened at live meetings, 
etc. (when we have meetings actually going)

4) Freeform indie discussion, help each other out, etc.

5) Should there maybe be specialized "Capital" groups that are in each 
state capital and help organize conferences etc that people statewide 
can come to. The capital groups can also help the whole state organize 
its groups.

 From Ratchet
Webmaster of the IGDA Indie SIG: http://igda.org/indie

Check out my projects: http://sf.net/users/ratchet

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