[kj] (KJ) Revisiting Duendes

wessidetempest . wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 25 12:19:01 EDT 2020

Pandemonium through part of Hossannas Geordies playing was more rhythmic then fluid. Which makes sense as their style was going from disco/reggae/funk to more techno in the 90s.
I think some of Geordies best riffs are on Hossannas. The overall songs (length, editing) and production and ego is what hinders it.
The three latest albums are good. Geordie is combing both styles in very unique and inspiring ways. But these last three albums are very similar. If you put all three together and shuffled it may be hard to tell what came from where. Which is not a bad thing. But it’s not what Killing Joke’s past was like. Even the crap albums were steps forward. Or sideways. Not backwards.

On Jul 25, 2020, at 9:45 AM, Mike Logvinoff <mlogvinoff77 at live.ca> wrote:

Love that album and totally agree with you re sound/recording.

As for reunion albums...  miss Geordie's more harsh melodic sound.

Pylon soundwise was a disappointment...Big Paul's drums and Geordie's guitar mainly.

God I hope there will be another album!!!!

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