[kj] Tools

Andreas Misera andreasmisera at yahoo.de
Tue Sep 10 03:42:02 EDT 2019

I remember liking Tool in the late 90s - they were really good. We even covered one of their songs - „Sober“ - with the band I was in back then.

I saw them live in Munich a few years ago, great concert. But I would NOT shell out several hundreds for a ticket...


> Am 10.09.2019 um 00:36 schrieb Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com>:
> I never realised Tool (and their fans) divided people so much. It is interesting. What's the
> reason? I know little about the band, apart from the fact that the singer seems to wind people up for some reason.
> I'm agnostic about Tool. I have to be in a very particular mood to want to hear them, but I like that
> long song groovy hypnotic tricksy-rhythms thing they do. But I can't listen to a whole album's worth of it.
> And I haven't listened to them at all for years.
> I remember blasting that Opiate EP and the first album back in the day, but I don't own them
> anymore so they can't have stood the test of the time. The only Tool record I have is Lateralus,
> which I think has a few amazing songs on it - Parabola and Reflection. I'm listening to the new one
> now, and see they've really gone for the stretched out hypnotic groove thing in a big way. I quite like it.
> As for KJ, kudos to Tool for getting them on the tour. I hope they get a good pay day and can play
> to a crowd that, at least some of them anyway, will be aware of KJ. And maybe some more will 
> investigate KJ for the first time. Being suddenly hitched to the big story of the day can't hurt. 
> n
>> On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 at 23:05, Adam Helfer via Gathering <gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>> Tool comes with quite a substantial and grandiose light show.
>> I doubt the opening act/KJ will have full lighting.
>> Even if KJ comes with more fury- I’m sure it could stand out in the minds of some, but i doubt it will seem they outdo Tool.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> > On Sep 9, 2019, at 3:50 PM, <godmachinist at kc.rr.com> <godmachinist at kc.rr.com> wrote:
>> > 
>> > It seems that Tool respects quality musicians/music such as King Crimson and Killing Joke by having them open for them.  Having a not so good band open for them would make them look better.  Could Tool be taking a chance they would be outperformed musically?
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