[kj] Thwarted by God
Jim Harper
jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Sep 15 16:27:30 EDT 2018
Oh joy.
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On Sat, 15/9/18, P West <fluke1 at live.co.uk> wrote:
Subject: Re: [kj] Thwarted by God
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Date: Saturday, 15 September, 2018, 19:51
Paul . Alex has taken a flight from New York To London to
see Killing joke and you couldnt even be bothered to get on
a bus from wherever you live , to the London gigs .
Dont ever question Alex's commitment .
The unfortunately departed Raven , Jester and ipat all were
present at the London gigs , were the fukk were you ?
Alex had a ticket for the NY gig , have you got a ticket for
the UK gigs ?
Or, is it bit too far for you ?
Alex flew from America to London to see KJ and
you..............didint even get on a bus from up north
somewhere .
Alex shows up for gigs , you dont , so STFU
From: Gathering
<gathering-bounces at misera.net> on behalf of Paul
Rangecroft <paul.rangecroft at gmail.com>
Sent: 14 September 2018 09:23
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the
Subject: Re: [kj] Thwarted by God
I think
Killing Joke should perform a private gig at your
it's the least they could do.
On 9/13/18, Alex Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>
> For those of you who have the good sense and piece of
mind not to follow me
> on various social media platforms, I thought I'd
let you know that despite
> my very best efforts and the best-laid plans, I did
*NOT* make it to Killing
> Joke's gig in my hometown of New York City last
night (just a scant six
> blocks from my home).
> There was no reason I shouldn't have made it -- my
return flight from my
> work engagement in Nashville, TN should have put me
into LaGuardia airport
> at 6:30 pm. But, as the fates conspired to have it,
an "impassable" cover
> of thunderstorms re-routed my flight to Syracuse. While
re-fueling, we were
> then informed that LaGuardia had a "ground
stop" order in place - no
> landings, no takeoffs due to weather. By the time we
took off, it was 8:30.
> By the time Killing Joke took to the stage at Irving
Plaza at 9:30, I was
> still in the air. When we landed, there was no gate
waiting for us, so we
> sat on the tarmac for another thirty minutes. I
didn't leave the airport
> bound for Manhattan until 10:45. I didn't make it
back into the city until
> well after 11pm. My wife suggested scrambling over to
at least catch up with
> some of my friends in attendance, but that almost
seemed like it would be
> that much more painful, having missed the entirety of
the performance (let
> along being exhausted, zonked and already demoralized
beyond description).
> So, long story short, I did not make it.
> There were moments -- especially when dry-docked in
fucking Syracuse -- when
> I was so depressed about this, I genuinely thought I
was going to fucking
> throw up.
> If there is a God, he's a fucking asshole.
> I may try for London, but it's a long-shot.
> Cheers,
> -Alex in NYC
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