[kj] Roll Call!!
adrianwason at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 4 11:15:42 EST 2018
I'm sure I've heard that in the noughts at a kj gig?
Sent from my Xperia™ by Sony smartphone
---- jpwhkj--- via Gathering wrote ----
>Yes, hearing Glitter stomping out over the PA was the perfect intro.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: gingoblin <gingoblin at easynet.co.uk>
>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
>Sent: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 9:55
>Subject: Re: [kj] Roll Call!!
>3 gig moments :
>Edinburgh Feb.85 - crowd going mental to the Gary Glitter song playedin the run up to them coming onstage. Remember thinking "it's gonna bewild if it's like this before they even come on". And it was!
>Edinburgh Jan 91 - 5 new songs outta the first 7, and they were fuckinggreat... the Joke were back!
>Camden Underworld Aug 03 - Start of Requiem... hit me how much I'dmissed seeing them live... and how great it was gonna be.
>Oh, and hearing Outside The Gate for the first time, and thinking"their masterpiece"... aye, that'll be fucking right...still the WORSTmoment!!
>Dave in Edinburgh
>On 04/03/2018 09:35, adrianwason--- via Gathering wrote:
>Few thoughts :
>1)Actually getting my paws on Extremities after months ofwaiting and wondering (no internet then)-thinking what a fantasticcover.(front and back),then taking it home and realising that it wasindeed something very special.
>2)Seeing the band for the first time at the Astoria in1991-words can do no justice to the atmosphere and performance or theimpact the band had at that time. Still the only gig I've had frictionburns from.
>3)Subterranea 1994-Absolute mental riot of a gig-checkoutWhiteout to see how on form Jaz is. Everyone covered in paint fromBingo.
>4)Underworld 2003-Really the hottest and sweatiest gig ever,people with tickets turned away at the door.The band hadn't played inthe UK for a while and the chugging riff of DARS still remains strongin the memory as did the machine like rythymn section of Raven/Parsons.
>5)MS1-2003-Cardiff on a Monday night. Late venue change promptsJaz to come on scowling,'some of us are here through choice!',place ispacked to the rafters and crowd barrier breaks prompting very painfulshins and the cider runs out...
>6)The Autumn tour in 2005-with Benny and Raven.Absolutelystunning renditions of Darkness Before Dawn and Butcher and the icingon the cake-Termite Mound as an encore played perfectly and taking meback 15 years..
>7)Meeting Jaz at the pub by the Koko and pleading with him toplay:
>The Fanatic-'we never play that.'
>Darkness Before Dawn-'we played that too much last year.'
>Judas Goat-'Uuuum-I'm not ruling it out...'
>Loads more and I'm sure they'll be many more memories to come....
>From : gathering at misera.net
>Date : 03/03/2018 - 12:55 (GMTST)
>To : gathering at misera.net
>Cc : letranger789 at yahoo.com
>Subject : [kj] Roll Call!!
>Fellow Gatherers,
> Pleaseshare your fondest or strangest Killing Joke related memory. Whether ina concert hall, on a city street or in your own bleedin’ head!!
>OnThursday, February 15, 2018, 3:01 PM, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com>wrote:
>Have you been reading my emails!! \uD83D\uDE1C
>> On 15 Feb 2018, at 19:44, wessidetempest . <wessidetempest at hotmail.com>wrote:
>> This is a global marketing question.
>> Are CDs even worth it? I would prefer a quality digital downloadthat includes all the innards (pics, notes, etc.). I’m asking because Iknow for the longest time CDs were still a viable market in Japan but Ithink that may be over.
>> And for the love of whatever you want do not DO NOT do a cassette.This sudden resurgence is as useful as lead paint.
>> Chris
>>> On Feb 15, 2018, at 1:31 PM, adrianwason--- via Gathering <gathering at misera.net> wrote:
>>> Live DVD OF Subterranea 94 with Go Pro from my head would becewl,and from the front of Astoria 91, if only the technology existedthen would make for some stunning footage!
>>> ----Original message----
>>> From : mlogvinoff77 at live.ca
>>> Date : 15/02/2018 - 18:19 (GMTST)
>>> To : gathering at misera.net
>>> Subject : Re: [kj] remasters
>>> Hi Rob, so is this just a vinyl deal or are there going to beremastered CDs as well? Any talk of a live DVD?
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>>> From: Gathering <gathering-bounces at misera.net>on behalf of gathering-request at misera.net<gathering-request at misera.net>
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>>> The Gathering - Digest
>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. CUNTS (kevin)
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:13:45 +0000
>>> From: kevin <patrickvieira at msn.com>
>>> To: "gathering at misera.net" <gathering at misera.net>
>>> Subject: [kj] CUNTS
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>>> A Southend Sky
>>> The Great Yarmouth
>>> Western Super Mare State
>>> Black Pool
>>> Seeing RedCar
>>> Outside The Margate
>>> Skegness Before Dawn
>>> Eighties (The Morecombe-ing Race Mix)
>>> The Coney Island Symphony
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