[kj] Fwd: Killing Joke... an intimate London evening

Rob Moss rob.moss at gmx.com
Wed Apr 26 02:21:10 EDT 2017

It's a small gig   Low numbers but they have the same costs, they gotta get paid and they have to pay crew the same. 

It's something special. And if you want special you have to pay don't you?

Gigs can't be £12.50 anymore. No one buys the music. They used to get paid for making records but if someone is nicking your work from the net, then you can only get paid from where you can control it. 

Tight bastards! ;-)

> On 26 Apr 2017, at 14:48, Brian Whitehead <bawhitehead at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm 80% going as it stands - ticket purchased. Not surprised it's still not sold out as from what I'm told there is quite a bitt of annoyance at the ticket price - this from a mate on the Facebook group.
> KJ cashing in these days?
> Brian. 
>> On 25 April 2017 at 22:52, Mark Vickers <vickersms at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> Been mulling this over as I assume many of us have given it hasn't sold out already. I will probably go but I do think £40 for a gig is pushing it a bit!
>> Sent from my iPad
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