[kj] Re-issues

Mark Kolmar mkolmar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 12:04:26 EDT 2016

Worthwhile, if any of the "Wardance" mixes offers a different perspective
that puts any new light on the process, as opposed to merely sounding

Second the motion to do a 24-bit release. If the stereo masters and
surviving multi-tracks haven't been archived in hi-res, that ought to be
part of the project regardless what else happens with these re-issue ideas.

Are the newer editions of the EG era albums getting hard to find? I felt
that those CDs more-or-less already solved the issues with the first
edition CDs. Short of having 24-bit files.


On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Rob Moss <rob.moss at gmx.com> wrote:

> Just to be clear. These are not re-mixes but alternative mixes that were
> not chosen for the first album.
> >> As some might know, I've been helping a label do some reissue work and
> have been lucky enough to have some listening tracks for extras after being
> given access to the archive list
> >>
> >> Now. Don't get excited. They have used everything except an OTG
> out-take which is awful and OTG isn't being done anyway.
> >>
> >> But. A genuine question. I have 5 "new" wardance mixes. Again. Don't
> get excited as they all sound similar. But how desperate is the world for
> another wardance version on a re-issue?
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