[kj] Music wanker poll

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Fri Nov 15 00:34:05 EST 2013

Given that name-dropping Killing Joke (esp 'early' Killing Joke) is the
music-wanker equivalent of a triple word score in Scrabble, the poll
question is as follows:

Which artist or band would you name-drop to get the highest possible score
at a music-wanker convention?

Criteria include but are not limited to: lack of attempt at commercial
success / downright self-sabotage, uniqueness, humour, social commentary,
mental illness, artistic pain, substance dependency, early / mysterious /
humorous death, ability to use ancillary wank-terms such as 'musique
concrete', 'the sound of the earth vomiting' and so forth.

I'm going with 'What is Pere Ubu
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hYqvtHzr48> ?'

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