[kj] Ticketmaster UK refund info: Cult shows - Hammersmith

fleamusic fleamusic at zoho.com
Fri Sep 14 09:57:48 EDT 2012

Headcount don't need JCBs to make tracks in the grass

---- On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 12:43:49 +0000 <jpwhkj at aol.com> wrote ----

>>At a 'real' country fair in deepest Oxfordshire we get a choreographed 'dancing' by JCBs

Presumably driven by members of Headcount, though?

-----Original Message-----
From: fleamusic <fleamusic at zoho.com>
To: A Joke <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 12:22
Subject: Re: [kj] Ticketmaster UK refund info: Cult shows - Hammersmith

Bloody hell it's not fair! At a fake country fair in London you get Little Axe, Dreadzone and Dennis Bovell.

At a 'real' country fair in deepest Oxfordshire we get a choreographed 'dancing' by JCBs, sheepdog trials and ploughing competitions!

Time to move back to the 'smoke'?

---- On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:49:27 +0000 Paul Richards<green.sun1980 at gmail.com> wrote ----

I never got any refund message & when I contacted Ticketmaster they said it wasn't eligible for a refund. As a result I have to go or waste the ticket.

Anybody else still going?

Dunno what state I will be in cos I will have consumed an (un)healthy amount of Chucklehead cider here:


(it's free & across the road from my abode)


On 7 September 2012 17:57, Rheinhold Squeegee <kjlist at live.com> wrote:
Messages have gone out from Ticketmaster UK that refunds are available. Physical tickets should be sent before September 10 (Monday) to this address:

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