[kj] Donna Summer

ADRIAN WASON adrianwason at btinternet.com
Fri May 18 13:56:07 EDT 2012

actually on reflection it's you mate
i don't go to a joke gig to hear donna summer/i could milk the S/A/W thing but i wont as intro music
i go to the gig to hear hopefully a few decent support bands:
october file
selfish cunt
 even treponem pal
 but as intro music i want:

songs from victorious city
sen alex harvey band

i know what you are saying about the disco thing and how kj have been called 'heavy but irresistably dancy' since pandemonium and I agree I love dance music but not as an intro to a serious headlining killing joke gig.

dance has its place
killing joke has its place
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