[kj] Down by the River in the house

Nick Scott npscott at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Aug 7 06:17:05 EDT 2012

Perhaps the guitar tech played live...I remember being down the front
of one of the Pandemonium tour gigs and seeing crouched at the side of
the stage during a couple of songs including "Pandemonium" someone
(presume a guitar tech) doing some extra fills.

On 7 August 2012 11:03, Neil Perry <65snoopy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hallelujah. The end of the saga... my vinyl has arrived. Nice package, but

> the real treat

> is Colesy's visuals on the DVD.


> First odd thing - nowhere does it mention where the gig actually took place,

> which

> seems a bit weird for a live album. Second odd thing - why is the guitar

> tech listed with

> the rest of the band under 'performance'?


> n


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