[kj] Fwd: The Killing Joke **IMPORTANT INFORMATION**

Frank Coleman fbc at 21ca.com
Wed May 11 20:39:03 EDT 2011

I am just as disappointed as the rest of you, but I think you may be
reading too much into what you perceive as the band's motives or lack of
caring by what they *haven't* done (issued an official statement) vs.
what *has* happened (an off the cuff tweet by their hired hand).

I mean, really, this is perhaps simply the downside of (let's say) a
band's not being particularly techno-savvy, nor having a particularly
firm grip on communications (same thing in this day and age). They
hardly have a monopoly on such things.

It's unfortunate. They could have handled it better. Benny should have
known to keep his trap shut until the band had a chance to sort things
properly. We don't really know what up. We're all disappointed... On
the other hand, there have been lots of other occasions where they've
made it plain that they really do appreciate their fans and understand
the value of The Gathering in particular, and I think they were sincere
about that.

So yeah, it sucks, but I'm inclined to cut them some slack until we hear
directly from them.

My $.02... fwiw...


F R A N K . C O L E M A N
Director . Designer . Drummer
Video . Audio . Interactive Portfolio . 21st Century Art .

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