[kj] Turn your knobs up to '11 poll
gingoblin at easynet.co.uk
gingoblin at easynet.co.uk
Fri Jan 14 12:38:25 EST 2011
Name: Dave
Model: 1969 Airfix. Not badly put together, but left unpainted.
Special Power : The ability to (did you pick it up? did you??)
Best film(s) you saw last year (not necessarily released last year):
Kick Ass, Moon, The War You Don't See. More surely, but would have to
have a longer think!
Best TV show(s)/series you watched last year: Torturing Bear Grylls Slowly.
Documentaries on fings wot I am interested in...
Best album(s) & single(s): Absolute Dissent - Killing Joke, Phosphene Dream
- Black Angels, The Murder Of Jesus The Jew - Meads Of Asphodel, Death Red
Sabaoth - Danzig, Blood Of The Earth - Hawkwind,
Best book(s) you've read: Nothing outstanding, but enjoyed Master &
Commander - Patrick O Brien. Not exactly up to date...
Best gig(s): Killing Joke - Edinburgh, Hawkwind - Isle Of Wight, The Bomb -
Edinburgh, The Argies - Rostock, NoMeansNo - Glasgow. Hmm, I'm sure there
are other obvious contenders that elude me for the moment...
Best stand-up (gigs or TV, DVD etc): Jerry Sadowitz. As usual.
Worst film(s): Banished from my memory.
Worst TV show(s)/series: All the stupid fucking "this is what it was like
to be tedious brain-dead family in Victorian Britain" type pish. All
cookery programmes. Everything involving celebrities doing some bollocks
that's meant to become interesting because it's oooh, CELEBRITIES doing it
. Er, MOST TV programmes actually!!
Worst album(s) & single(s): I've been lucky enough to avoid such things.
Worst book(s): Not thrown any books across the room this year.
Worst gig(s): Nothing springs to mind... good at avoiding bad gigs.
Worst stand-up: Also avoided.
Any other highlights/low-points: Highlights : An, er, "enhanced" experience
of Hawkwind with full-on strobe-attack head-fuck lightshow on the Isle Of
Wight. Helping out a friends band resulting in responsibility-free gigging.
Catching up with friends not seen in a while. To name but three!
Lowpoints... stupid people, no big deal.
If you had to live your life by a single motto, what would that be?
Do unto others as you would have them to unto you, combined with treat
others as they treat you.
What's your favourite constellation? Orion
Twitter or Facebook? Facebook.
Hero of 2010: The unsung ones.
Zero of 2010: So many! So many I'm not wasting any time thinking about them!
Any resolutions for this year: No!
What were your childhood ambitions? Have you managed to fulfil any or all
of them?
Yes, kind of. Rock on!
If you could make one species of animal extinct, what would it be?
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