[kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...

sade1 saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 12 14:48:07 EST 2011

I concur. I've always liked reading a bit of history and if there's one thing
I've learned is that anything can happen anywhere and not just at anytime but
over and over and over again, and all in the same place, to boot.

No one, but no one, is too smart, too White, too Western, too "vintage" a
culture or too close to God to not ruin things and start going after people.
That Weimar example has always lurked in my mind since i first read of it, how
those people would end up just wallpapering their rooms with the money, that's
how worthless it became.

> ..about Xenophobia in relation to this.....

Larry Summers (late Obama $$ adviser) was asked something like, why didn't he
advocate a european-ish economic recovery model and he replied "it's not the
american way."(prphrse).  No one said a word; no one batted an eye.

From: Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 10:10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...


Oh and if you think that’s just come shit-turd 3rd world country, consider that
Germany, the strongest country in the EU, experienced the same thing during the
Weimar period 1921 – 1923
That resulted in the 3d Reich. This stuff means a lot more than you and I just
wanking on about how to make money. Hence my comments about Xenophobia in
relation to this debate. It’s actively encouraged by central bankers.
From:Brendan Quinn [mailto:bq at soundgardener.co.nz]
Sent: Friday, 11 February 2011 7:04 p.m.
To: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'
Subject: RE: [kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...
stocks are the only way nowadays to make any money.
Here’s a few facts:
·         Money invested in the sharemarket from 2000, to now – made 0 %.
Diversification / index tracking (Wall St mantras) didn’t help one iota. Gold
made over 350% in that timeframe. USD lost half it’s value.

·         Silver was up 82% last year. Commodities had a huge year. Almost
everything did well, when valued in dollar terms…because the dollars are
multiplying and have to go somewhere (if they languish in bank accounts
collecting 1.5% interest, they are going backwards)
·         If you had $1M in 2008, and copped a 50% hit, like most of the free
world, you were left with $500K. If you have made 100% since then, you’re up to
$750K (valued in dollars of less value due to inflation). Losses hit much harder
than gains. “Manage the losses and the gains will take care of themselves”.

·         Something like 70-80% of money managers fail to make the market

Bankers love currencies, equities, derivatives, (mis)managing money for people,
and make nothing from gold and silver. What’s done better in the last 10 years?
Representations of assets, or hard assets? One is managed by the bankers, the
other actually exists in the real world. Correlation?

Every dollar invested in gold and silver is a dollar the crooks can’t screw
management fees and commission on, generally for doing nothing other than
investing in index funds. Gold and silver can’t be printed from thin air, they
require hard work, knowledge and risk to extract. For all these reasons, bankers
hate gold and silver (which are uniquely both commodities and money)
Gold and silver have been used as money for far longer than paper. Long term,
paper money and all fiat currency has always gone to 0%. Metals have retained
their value for thousands of years. There is a finite supply of metals (and most
commodities), there is no limit to how much currency can be printed. I you don’t
believe me, feel free to bid on this ebay auction for 100 50 trillion dollar
Zimbabwe notes:
Every time precious metals have dipped in the last 10 years of secular bull
market, the Wall St talking heads have proclaimed BUBBLE. The price of PMs has
been manipulated down for decades – the genie is starting to come out of the
bottle, hence he last 10 years results.  
From:gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of sade1
Sent: Friday, 11 February 2011 5:37 p.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...

> ..the retail investor has fled (finally learned some sense).

What kind of trouble lurks for the retail investor? I'm running a small fund
(online) for a couple of elderly relatives and I've gotten 87% return in 10
months without anything weird happening or any other "things that go bump in the
night". Should I expect a knock at my door (or a second cursor on my computer
screen)? It seems around here, stocks are the only way nowadays to make any


From:Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 7:44:58 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...
And that's with Corporate America sitting on a liquid $2Trillion in cash
Re US economy:
Cash - massive Ponzi scheme, every year it’s worth less and less. >From 2000 to
2008 USD lost 50% of its buying power.
Bonds – what’s worse, holding US dollars now, or pieces of paper that promise US
Dollars in 30 years time? No thanks. (USD depreciated 41% vs AUD last year)

Shares – totally manipulated, most trades are now done by computers, the retail
investor has fled (finally learned some sense). A few banks last year had 60
straight days up in trading – statistically close to impossible amid the
volatility at the moment. The markets are rigged.
            Google – “dark pools”  “high frequency trading” “SEC fines JPM” “SEC
fines Goldman”
Hard physical assets are where to park your money. Almost anything to do with
the financial representation of actual assets is tainted.
American banks aren’t using mark to market for bank ‘assets’ – if they were half
of them would be under water. $2T in cash is irrelevant when the other side of
the balance sheet is make believe (and the consumer, esp middle class, is
An economy that can’t add jobs after 2 years of 0% interest is pretty much
US is waging massive currency war and complaining that others are. China is
actually raising interest rates, raising the value of the Yuan, and encouraging
people (via television ads) to buy physical gold and silver. What’s Obama and co
doing…? Printing money, debasing the currency.
Chinese saving rate > 30%. US saving rate 1%
Good luck with that.
From:gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of sade1
Sent: Friday, 11 February 2011 4:21 p.m.
To: Gathering
Subject: [kj] OT -- 9%... 10%...
So here it is again from the horses' mouths.  At the highest level they are
saying now that unemployment won't come down to a near(-but-still-high)-normal
5% for another 10 years, with 6 years being the Optimists' view. And that's with
Corporate America sitting on a liquid $2Trillion in cash = 50 million people
working for a year. They'd rather buy back their own stock (to keep the gains
and dividends in-house) than to put a commoner to work.
9% Unemployment Just

10% of the land is The Hand
that pulls the strings...
to have, to own, to hold:
   money, property, assets - before lives
Green gestures..an endless debate
Why? Just to justify,
             jus-ti-justify..this 'Utopia':
                                                 "Money is our business
                                                   Cash is our business
                                                    These derivatives is our
                                                     Lies! are our business
                                                      Business is our

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