[kj] Semi-OT: Time Wave, 2012 and stuff

nicholas fitzpatrick gasw30 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 22 12:10:52 EDT 2010

Is Jaz embarrassing, just like the majority of dicks cited in the article by that bloke from Blondie?

I listened to the Courtauld Talk the other day as I was driving up the motorway. Back in the 1980s Jaz believed that nuclear war was an inevitable event. But, as well as a catastrophic global occurrence, there was also to be a spiritual side to the war.

He believed nuclear war was the vehicle for a mass initiation of humanity into a new age of existence that would be marked by the tyranny of the Forgotten Ones, or Elder Gods.

In preparation for this event it was necessary for humans (or at least magicians) to unite their lower selves with their higher selves. This is not the same as tying your shoelaces behind your head for a blow job, though admittedly I'm not sure exactly what the idea of this magical ritual was. Maybe it was a salvation-type thing for those that could do it. Or perhaps it would diffuse the violence of the Forgotten Ones. Anyway, this was all explained in the Courtauld Talk.

In the months prior to the Courtauld Talk, Jaz and Geordie had been working on numerologically devised time signatures. This activity of theirs had resulted from a ritual Jaz had performed in which, it seems, the number 103 had been somehow relevant. He did not elaborate on the ritual or what it was about, but said it had something to do with sinister forces emanating from the Iran area.

Strangely, on another occasion after the ritual, Jaz had spontaneously hummed a tune which his sound engineer had managed to pin-point as being of a 103 bpm time signature. Oh my word, that's two occasions of 103s, it must be something serious.

It turned out that in said numerology, 103 is the number of the Prophets. Crikey! And then guess what happened: the flight number of the aeroplane that was blown up over Lockerbie was.... you've got it, Flight 103. Jesus H Fucking Christ, let's do a lecture with Geordie on acoustic.

But nuclear war didn't happen and Iran never did anything particularly interesting, so it was another postponed Apocalypse, along with the others that have been expected variously by the Jehova's Witnesses and other cults over the centuries.

So this begs the question: If Jaz is serious about all this, what's the difference between him and a moron fundie Christian trying to convince everyone that the Endtimes have begun? To put it another way, would you find it deeply embarrassing if Jaz were to sit next to you on a bus?

It's interesting how in one of the recent interviews, Jaz said he did not flee to Iceland in 1982 owing to fears of an immanent nuclear war, but instead he went there to perform the 'Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel' ritual instead. As I understand it, this ritual is the pinnacle of a magician's career - it's the spiritual equivalent of finally being able to perform the shoe-laces trick, where lower self is raised to higher self, after years of practice.

But isn't this just another sad bit of revisionist history from a would-be cultist after an apocalypse that didn't manifest?

It doesn't really matter, I'm still buying the album.

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 11:37:12 +0200
From: 65snoopy at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] Semi-OT: Time Wave, 2012 and stuff

A long essay here but an interesting read if you have the time: enough
content to inspire the lyrics for another couple of KJ albums. Mentions
Jaz's favourite Terence McKenna and his "time wave" theory in the middle somewhere,

as well as the "singularity", harmonic convergence etc etc.

It's well written with a dry sense of humour but without mocking (and some of this
stuff, you really want to mock). Apparently a planetary alignment in 1974 was

meant to cause earthquakes etc. Two science writers wrote a bestseller called The Jupiter
Effect. When nothing happened, they wrote a sequel, The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered, "...explaining
what went wrong. Not surprisingly, this sequel didn't sell as well."



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