[kj] grouping Joke albums?

ADRIAN WASON adrianwason at btinternet.com
Sat Oct 9 15:01:38 EDT 2010

I've always thought albums are about if you can press play on track one and leave it without flicking tracks hence some weird groups

1)Extremities/Absolute Dissent/Whats This For/Pandemonium.
3)Revelations/Killing Joke original
4)KJ 2003/Hosannas/Democracy/Firedances

If Murder Inc had been recorded as a Killing Joke album with Jaz on vocals it would be in group 1 and if Geordies 07 Demos had been recorded as likewise in group 1.

I love AD the songwriting has taken such a massive leap above recent offerings but just say yoy compare track 5 of AD to Intravenous just as an instance Extremities is still way above anything else they have ever done and this is just one example. Imagine if they had chucked the Fanatic on to Extremities...

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