[kj] I'M GETTING SICK OF YOU SO-CALLED GATHERERS..you know who you are!!!

gingoblin at easynet.co.uk gingoblin at easynet.co.uk
Thu Mar 25 07:20:13 EDT 2010

Well, you are of course welcome to think OTG is one of the best they've
done. And I will disagree. And the world will keep spinning regardless.

Christ, all this talk is actually gonna make me go to the other room and
fetch this infernal album and listen to it again. Okay, here I go...

Dave in Edinburgh

At 03:46 25/03/2010 +0000, you wrote:

>I've never heard such bollocks from so-called Gatherers!!! I'm getting

>sick of all the constant crap you all come ou with!!! OTG is one of the

>best they've done and was part of the journey they were on at the

>time.....to be honest, I totally believe they did id to get rid of all the

>knobs like you lot who have nothing more o do than critcise the

>MUSIC! KJ are far more than just music! Have you lot ever listened o

>the whole journey from start to Hosannas? I don't think so!

>Michelle from Edinburgh


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