[kj] FOF - Bauhaus

folk devil folk.devil at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 22 11:37:50 EDT 2010

I actually like the way the '3 of them' leave parts of Murphy's studio bickering on the 'final' mix; it makes me chuckle..I also quite like the album, more for the music though.

Wasn't Burning from the Inside unfinished, too?

From: vassifer at earthlink.net
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 18:49:23 -0400
Subject: Re: [kj] FOF

I think I've played GO AWAY WHITE maybe three times? I forget which track it is, but at one point, you can hear Murphy murmuring into the mic "this would be a good place for a guitar solo," and hearing Daniel Ash in the background angrily saying, "this IS a guitar solo." Writing was on the wall, I suppose.

Crap album or not, I'll always love Bauhaus. Sure, Murphy dressed like a macabre Peter Pan a lot of the time, but there's simply no arguing with those records.

Alex in NYC

On Mar 21, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Matthew Burke wrote:

As I understand it, "Go Away White" was released incomplete because of one last, great ego explosion in the studio. The boys parted ways for good after whatever was said, and "Go Away White" was put out (I assume because of contractual reasons) by slapping together some early takes and half-finished mixes.

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