[kj] ot-sad day

n0153 jr nomeanswhat at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 10:08:39 EDT 2010

Very very sorry to hear this.
Think of it as a cicle reaching it's completion, it's sad for those who stay
behind, she's deservedly on to some place nicer.

my condolences.


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Chris Williamson <laughingchris at hotmail.com

> wrote:

> Very sorry to read this sad and tragic news Dave. Stay strong, stay

> positive. Absent friends (and family) shall live by love.


> Peace


> Chris




> ------------------------------

> From: Wrightdvdw at aol.com

> Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 18:26:05 -0400

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Subject: [kj] ot-sad day



> Its with deep sadness that I announce to the gathering that my Mum passed

> away this morning after battling with cancer, my dad and I were with her as

> she went .We recieved a call around 9.30 stating she was fading fast so took

> dad in my car to the hospital . She went peacefully ,we had previuosly

> chatted to specialists who had informed us of the worst that all the

> treatments they were applying mum she was not responding to. At least I had

> the chance to comfort dad and say goodbye to mum and to ask Sue to look out

> for her.


> In uk it was fathers day today and I had bought some gifts for my dad , at

> least she held out til I got back from holiday , what a mother she was.


> Thank you


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